- What was my Computer Science degree good for? A critical evaluation of Nicola Papale's University education and the role it played in his professional life
- Avoid Durov's fate, use end-to-end encryption Rambling, rambling, rambling
- Technologism Societies fail the same way individuals fail, we consume to forget, society creates to forget
- The limits of statistical thinking and the value of personal experience Rif at an poorly thought out article published on that highlights the extremely naive and Panglocian view (this is the charitable interpreation) of science in the SV think thanks.
- The Surveillance Vending Machines A musing over the implications of the Waterloo university facial recognition vending machine debacle.
- Are you content? A reflection (actually a rant) about the word 'content'
- Emotions have its place in politics Why we need emotions in politics, what is its place in politics?
- Shared dogma and metahumans A dive into ontologic nihilism, agremented with existential minimalism, resulting in the interpretation of culture as agent, and an attempt to learn from this insight.
- Tech as a moral smoke screen Technology as an excuse to do things you really wanted to do but couldn't due to moral or legal qualms.
- Jansen's strandbeests Praise for the poesy of movement
- The beginning of a dev career A retrospective of Nicola Papale's software development career
- 15 Years of Digital Maoism My response to Lanier's seminal piece on Wikipedia
- The Dogma dogma Speculation on how we structure our understanding of the world and how we integrate new facts in our understanding
- Eulogy to my shirt A man and his shirt part.
More info
This is where I ramble about life and ideas.